Doll Beekeeping

Honey, bee colonies & queen bees since 2006.

Who are you dealing with?

  • Beekeeper: Benjamin Doll
  • Year of construction: 1983
  • Hobby beekeeping since: 1998
  • Beekeeper in training: 2002-2005 in Mayen at the Bee and Beekeeping Centre
  • Master beekeeper (master animal husbandry) since: 2008
  • Self-employed since: 2006

House sale in Mendigen

From now on, you can find us again in Mendig. You can purchase our products directly there.

Since we do not have continuous opening hours in Mendig, a quick call before your visit would certainly be recommended.

Nothing would be more annoying than having to travel a long way for nothing.

Contact us now


We are a member of the German Beekeepers' Association and are committed to promoting and spreading beekeeping. The pollination of wild and cultivated plants by honey bees helps preserve a species-rich natural environment. As a beekeeper, we place particular emphasis on keeping strong and vital bee colonies and maintaining our own wax cycle when producing our beekeeper honey. The beekeeper honey is harvested and processed without harmful heating. Our honey is also subject to constant quality controls.

Starke Bienenvölker

Unsere Imkerei setzt bei der Herstellung unseres Imkerhonigs auf die Gesundheit und Vitalität unserer Bienenvölker sowie auf einen nachhaltigen, eigenen Wachskreislauf. Dies unterstreicht unser Engagement für Qualität und ökologische Verantwortung in der Produktion.

Ernte ohne Erhitzen

Unser Imkerhonig wird schonend geerntet und verarbeitet, ohne dabei schädlichem Erhitzen ausgesetzt zu werden. Zusätzlich gewährleisten kontinuierliche Qualitätskontrollen die hohe Güte unseres Honigs.

Hier sind wir zu finden